+44 (0) 203 1310062

Using neuroscience principles to present more confidently

Being able to present confidently is about using proven techniques to upload a new program to our minds that overrides the panic, fear and anxiety that so many people feel when asked to speak in front of others.

This two part course firstly looks at structure and technique to prepare clear presentation content. Part two then uses candidates own presentations to practice a series of delivery techniques where they learn a new program to overcome the concerns that candidates most frequently have about speaking in-front of others.

During the course candidates will learn what happens to us physically when we speak in-front of others and the stress associated with it. They will then learn specific techniques to overcome this in a practical way.

Who Should attend

Anyone who presents in front of others and is looking to create an impact to their audiences – whether small team meetings or large podium presentations. Whether you have a of fear standing in front of others, or whether you are looking for techniques to structure your delivery, this two-part training will provide you with the skills and knowledge to create an impact with your audience.

Duration of the course:
1 day followed by ½ day (usually with about 1 week in-between)
Delegate numbers:
4 to 8 people

How you benefit

Those attending come away with a program of techniques and tools that they can draw upon at any time they talk in front of others. There is opportunity to practise the techniques over the two sessions to ensure that when they leave, they have used these techniques to present to others and demonstrate to themselves how it makes a difference.

As part of the training, the candidates will cover the following areas:

Part One

  • Identifying the fundamentals of a good presentation
  • How to create a structure and flow to presentations
  • Creating the ‘why’ that the audience should pay attention
  • Preparing complementary visual aids
  • Practise at structuring content

Part Two

  • Review of progress from part one
  • Understanding what happens to us when we present
  • Techniques to overcome the stress from presentations
  • How to handle questions
  • Practise and coaching

The content of the course is supported with case studies from a variety of organisations and research findings from a number of academic institutions, to demonstrate the impact of the various techniques.

Delegates are welcome to use content from current or forthcoming projects during the practical elements of this workshop.

These courses are just a sample of the training we can provide and we would be happy to discuss your requirements in more detail – just contact us here.

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