At e-trinity we have had the good fortune to work with companies who recognise that high employee engagement has an impact on how staff interact with customers, leading to the long term success of their business. This case study demonstrates the potential benefits of using the tools that e-trinity provide.
We worked with a contract services organisation with 3,000 employees who provide support services in the way of hospitality, retail and reception for a variety organisations. The specific team we worked with provided these services across a number of hospitals in Ireland.
The company has two other divisions also providing the same services in Education and Business & Industry. Following the economic challenges in Ireland, all areas of the business had struggled to make progress and were looking for ways to develop the business.
The Healthcare team recognised the importance of putting the employee at the center of their progress and started a process of leadership development using the tools we provide to deliver the required changes over 18 months. This included:
- Redefining the ‘purpose’ of the business for employees
- Delivering the management tools in modular leadership training sessions every 6 months
- Monthly conference calls to monitor progress and provide additional coaching and support
- Measuring the use of the tools each month
At the end of two years, we were able to look back at the changes that each division of the business had made.
Details of these changes and their commercial impact on the business are shown below.

Improved Revenue
The Healthcare division saw in an increase of 12% in their revenue growth over the two years. Conversley, the other two divisions saw a decrease in revenue over the same two year period.
This growth was largely driven by improvements in the levels of engagement and its impact on customer satisfaction.

Improved Engagement
TThe company used Gallup to provide a reputable measure of its levels of employee engagement.
During the two years of delivering this work, the engagement scores in the Healthcare division improved, whilst the other two divisions declined.

Improved Customer Satisfaction
As of a result of the increased levels of engagement, this led to higher levels of customer and client satisfaction. This was measured using a PVI rating which is used for measuring brand and service performance as rated by customers and clients.

Creating continuously improving engagement
The outcome of the analysis supported the understanding and evidence that engaged employees lead to happier customers, higher sales and a more successful business. This then leads to a continuous cycle of business growth.
There were other elements of analysis that also supported these findings including a higher level of new contract wins and reduced operating costs.